=== Increase Maximum Upload File Size | Increase Execution Time === Contributors: codepopular, shamimtpi, rajubdpro Tags: max upload file size, increase upload limit, increase file size limit, upload limit, post max size, upload file size, upload_max_filesize, Increase Maximum Execution Time Donate link: https://ko-fi.com/codepopular Requires at least: 3.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.3 Stable tag: 1.1.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Increase maximum upload file size limit to any value. Increase upload limit - upload large files. == Description== ### **Increase upload file size limit to any value with one click.** Plugin automatically detects upload limits set by WordPress and by the server / hosting provider, and displays them. Access plugin's settings from the main WP admin menu. You can easily increase maximum upload file size. And also you can increase WordPress maximum execution time. some time extended maximum execution time when upload any attachment. From now with this plugin you can simply avoid this problem. ### **Where to find Option to Increase Upload Limit.** Ok, After install the plugin then activate it. After activate the plugin go to your dashboard and go to media> Increase Upload Limit. ### **Increase Maximum Execution Time.** Some time WordPress user can't upload new file with media due to extended execution time. With this plugin you can increase the execution time to avoid these issue. You need to set the execution time in input filed to set your own execution time according to your need. = Necessary Elementor Plugin for your store = > * [Unlimited Theme Addons](https://wordpress.org/plugins/unlimited-theme-addons/) = Necessary WooCommerce Plugin for your store = > * [Variation Price Display Range for WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/variation-price-display/) == Installation == The usual, automatic way; 1. Open WordPress admin, go to Plugins, click Add New 2. Enter "increase maximum upload" in search and hit Enter 3. Plugin will show up as the first on the list, click "Install Now" 4. Activate & open plugin's settings page located in the main admin menu Or if needed, install manually; 1. Download the plugin. 2. Unzip it and upload to _/wp-content/plugins/_ 3. Open WordPress admin - Plugins and click "Activate" next to the plugin 4. Activate & open plugin's settings from Media>Increase Upload Size. == Screenshots == 1. Admin Panel for maximum upload file size. == Changelog == 1.1.1 ------------- * PHP 8 compatibility checked. * WordPress latest version 6 compatibility checked. 1.1.0 ------------- * WordPress latest version 6 compatibility checked. * Allow to Upload File Size 3GB,4GB,5GB. 1.0.9 ------------- * WordPress latest version 6 compatibility checked. 1.0.8 ------------- * Footer text issue fixed in admin page. * Header Notification remove from plugin setting page. 1.0.7 ------------- * WordPress latest versoin 5.9 compatibility added. * New value added in dropdown to upload maximum 2GB. 1.0.6 ------------- * WordPress latest versoin 5.8 compatibility added. 1.0.5 ------------- * Maximum Execution Time Increase Option Added. 1.0.4 ------------- * System Status Added. * WordPress latest version 5.7 compatibility checked. 1.0.3 ------------- * WordPress latest version 5.6 compatibility checked. 1.0.2 ------------- * WordPress latest version 5.5 compatibility checked. 1.0.1 ------------- * Test upto wordpress 5.4 latest version 1.0.0 ------------- * Not Changelog yet. will are still working for update version == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this plugin work with all servers and hosting providers? = Yes, it works with all servers. But, please know that server adjusted limits can't be changed from a WordPress plugin. If the server set limit is 16MB you can't increase it to 128MB via WordPress. You have to email your hosting provider and ask them to increase the limit. Install the plugin and it'll tell you what the limits are and what to do. = Increase upload file size but still not working? = If minimum upload limit set by hosting provider then its will not work. Ask your hositng provider to increase upload size. = Increase maximum excecution time but not working? = If minimum execution time set by hosting provider then its will not work. Ask your hositng provider to increase excecution time limit.