=== Post Duplicator === Contributors: metaphorcreations Tags: posts, post, duplicate, duplication Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 5.9 Stable tag: 2.28 License: GPL2 Creates functionality to duplicate any and all post types, including taxonomies & custom fields. == Description == This plugin was created to make an exact duplicate of a selected post. Custom post types are supported, along with custom taxonomies and custom fields. *Note: Comments are not passed to the new post. This plugin is simply meant to quickly and easily duplicate a post. Just hover over a post in the edit screen and select 'Duplicate {post_type}' to create a duplicate post. I created this plugin mainly for myself when I'm develping WordPress sites. I always need dummy content to fill out the look of a website and wanted a very quick and easy way to create multiple posts. == Installation == 1. Upload `m4c-postduplicator` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Are there any settings I need to configure? = No, but there are a couple settings you can adjust if you choose to do so. View the settings by going to 'Tools > Post Duplicator'. = How do I install the plugin? = Check out the 'Installation' tab. == Screenshots == 1. Sample view of the duplicate post link 2. View of the settings page == Changelog == = 2.28 = * Bug fix from last update = 2.27 = * Sanitization and validation updates * Settings page optimization = 2.26 = * Removed duplicate functionality from post trash pages * Database sanitization updates * Asset loading path updates = 2.25 = * Multiple data sanitization updates = 2.24 = * Settings sanitization updates = 2.23 = * Added setting to limit post duplication to current user * Added setting to setup duplicated post author to current user * Set the default setting of duplicated post author to current user = 2.22 = * Fixed Gutenburg escaping in returns for ACF blocks = 2.21 = * Javascript update for WP 5.5 = 2.20 = * Added "do_action( 'mtphr_post_duplicator_created', $original_id, $duplicate_id, $settings )" action for custom actions on duplicated post * Added "mtphr_post_duplicator_action_row_link( $post )" function for custom post action rows * Separated post duplicated function outsite of ajax call for custom uses * Removed limitations of backend script to load only on specific pages = 2.19 = * Added Duplicate button to published post edit pages = 2.18 = * Modified javascript for allow duplication of duplicated page before page reload = 2.17 = * XSS vulnerability fix * Language file updates = 2.16 = * Modified how post meta is saved to database * Modified duplicate slug implementation * Added file duplication support for the WP Customer Area plugin = 2.15 = * Added default value for duplicate post slug * New setting to append a custom string to the duplicate post title = 2.14 = * New setting to append a custom string to the duplicate post slug = 2.13 = * Fixed bug due to "wp_old_slug_redirect" function in core = 2.12 = * Fixed page reload bug after duplication = 2.11 = * Added ability to duplicate posts to other post types = 2.10 = * Added page duplication support for the WP Customer Area plugin = 2.9 = * Now supports multiple values of a single custom field during duplication = 2.8 = * Added German language files * Added Japanese language files * Updated settings file for localization = 2.7 = * Modified duplicated posts data: post_date_gmt, post_modified, post_modified_gmt = 2.6 = * Changed the default published status to Draft = 2.5 = * Changed the default post date of duplicated posts to be the current time. = 2.4 = * Cleaned up some code. * Updated localization code and files. = 2.2 = * Updated metaboxer code. = 2.0 = * Added a settings page to set 'post status' and 'date' of duplicated posts. = 1.1 = * Updated filenames and paths so the plugin works. == Upgrade Notice == = 2.2 = Code updates. = 2.0 = Upgrade Post Duplicator to add 'post status' and 'date' options to your duplicated posts. = 1.1 = Must upgrade in order for the plugin to work. The file paths where initially wrong as the plugin upload created a different directory name. == Upgrade Notice == Bug fix from last update