## To predefine more list, please submit a PR to https://github.com/litespeedtech/lscache_wp/blob/dev/data/esi.nonces.txt ## Comment Format: ## 1. `# this is comment` ## 2. `##this is comment` ## Predefined elsewhere so not needed here: ## WordPress core # stats_nonce # subscribe_nonce # Divi Theme Builder # et-pb-contact-form-submit # et_frontend_nonce # et_ab_log_nonce # WooCommerce PayPal Checkout # _wc_ppec_update_shipping_costs_nonce private # _wc_ppec_start_checkout_nonce private # _wc_ppec_generate_cart_nonce private # User Switching # switch_to_olduser_'' # Caldera Forms # caldera_forms_front_* ## Predefined list of ESI nonces: # WordPress REST nonce wp_rest # CM Registration Pro cmreg_registration_nonce private role_nonce private # WooCommerce Delivery Area Pro #16843635 wdap-call-nonce private # SEOpress Cookie Consent seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce # SearchWP Metrics swpmtxnonce # The Events Calendar _tec_view_rest_nonce_primary _tec_view_rest_nonce_secondary # wpDataTables #986128 wdt* # WPBakery gallery _vcnonce data-vc-public-nonce # Extra Theme rating_nonce timeline_nonce blog_feed_nonce # WS Form wsf_post # Easy Digital Download (EDD) edd-* private edd_* private # WP Menu Cart wpmenucart private # Woo nonce woocommerce-login # Premium Addons for Elementor pa-blog-widget-nonce # WPUF User Frontend wpuf* private # MetForm form_nonce # Mobile hamburger menu - jetMenu #306983 #163710 PR#419 tgmpa-* bulk-* # WP Data Access wpda-*