ECL mode /* sample useless code to demonstrate ecl syntax highlighting this is a multiline comment! */ // this is a singleline comment! import ut; r := record string22 s1 := '123'; integer4 i1 := 123; end; #option('tmp', true); d := dataset('tmp::qb', r, thor); output(d); x /*sample useless code to demonstrate ecl syntax highlightingthis is a multiline comment!*/// this is a singleline comment!import ut;r := record string22 s1 := '123'; integer4 i1 := 123; end;#option('tmp', true);d := dataset('tmp::qb', r, thor);output(d); Based on CodeMirror's clike mode. For more information see HPCC Systems web site. MIME types defined: text/x-ecl.