=== Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload - Contact Form 7 === Contributors: glenwpcoder, yordansoares Donate link : http://codedropz.com/donation Tags: drag and drop, contact form 7, ajax uploader, multiple file, upload, contact form 7 uploader Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: Requires PHP: 5.2.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == **Drag and Drop Multiple File Uploader** is a simple, straightforward WordPress plugin extension for Contact Form7, which allows the user to upload multiple files using the **drag-and-drop** feature or the common browse-file of your webform. Here's a little [DEMO](http://codedropz.com/contact). ### Features * File Type Validation * File Size Validation * Ajax Uploader * Limit number of files Upload. * Limit files size for each field * Can specify custom file types or extension * Manage Text and Error message in admin settings * Drag & Drop or Browse File - Multiple Upload * Support Multiple Drag and Drop in One Form. * Able to delete uploaded file before being sent * Send files as **email attachment** or as a **links**. *(see note below)* * Support multiple languages * Mobile Responsive * Cool Progress Bar * Compatible with any browser **Note:** On Free version, all uploaded files moves to a temporary folder *("/wp-content/uploads/wp_dndcf7_uploads")* then attaches the file to the mail and sends it. After that **"Drag & Drop File Upload"** removes the file from the temporary folder **1 hour** after the submission. *( same process with the default **"file"** upload of Contact Form 7 - [See here](https://contactform7.com/file-uploading-and-attachment/#How-your-uploaded-files-are-managed) )* ### ⭐ Premium Features Checkout available features on **PRO version**. * Image Preview - Show Thumbnail for images * Adjust Auto Delete Files - After Form Submission - *(1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours , days, months etc)* * Zip Files ( Compressed File ) * Save Files to Wordpress Media Library * Change Wordpress Upload Directory * Change Upload Folder - Contact Form 7 - Fields - Generated Name - Timestamp - Random Folder - By User - Required Login - Custom Folder - Dynamic Folder - *user (name, id), post (id, slug), cf7 fields* * Send to email as individual attachment, ZIP archive or as a links * Chunks Upload *( Break large files into smaller Chunks )* - Able to upload large files. * Max Total Size *( of all Uploaded Files )* * Parallel/Sequential Upload *( No. of files to simultaneously upload )* * Change **Filename Pattern** ({filename}, {cf7-field-name}, {ip_address}, {random}, {post_id}, {post_slug}, etc.) * Automatically Optimize Images * **New** - Color Options (Filesize, ProgressBar, Filename etc) * **New** - Disable Button to Prevent Duplicate Submission * **New** - Image preview on email * **New** - File Remote Storage (Google Drive, Amazon S3, FTP, Dropbox) * Resize Image (ie: 800x800) * Improved Security * Optimized Code and Performance * 1 Month Premium Support **Pro version** is also compatible with: * Contact Form 7 Add-on – Arshid * Database for Contact Form 7- Ninja * Advanced Contact form 7 DB – Vsourz Digital You can get [PRO Version here](https://www.codedropz.com/purchase-plugin/)! ### Other Plugin You May Like * [Drag & Drop Multiple File Upload - WPForms](https://www.codedropz.com/drag-drop-file-uploader-wpforms/) An extension for **WPForms** - Transform your simple file upload into beautiful **"Drag & Drop Multiple File Upload"**. * [Drag & Drop Multiple File Upload - WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/drag-and-drop-multiple-file-upload-for-woocommerce/) An extension for **WooCommerce** - Transform your simple file upload into beautiful **"Drag & Drop Multiple File Upload"**. * [WooCommerce Memberships](https://www.codedropz.com/woocommerce-memberships/) An extension for **WooCommerce** - WooCommerce Memberships is not just another plugin for restricting your site’s content: it’s an easy-to-use, site-wide membership solution that brings your content, shop, and memberships together. **PLUGIN GUIDE - FREE VERSION** [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvuvmzIImYo] == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can I send feedback or get help with a bug? = For any bug reports go to Support page. = How can I limit file size? = To limit file size in `multiple file upload` field generator under Contact Form 7, there's a field `File size limit (bytes)`. You can also manually add limit parameter in existing [mfile] tag. Example: *[mfile upload-file-433 limit:20971520]* - This limit the user to upload upto 20MB only. Please take note it should be `Bytes` you may use any converter just Google (MB to Bytes converter) default of this plugin is 5MB(5242880 Bytes). = How can I limit the number of files in my Upload? = You can limit the number of files in your file upload by adding this parameter `max-file:3` to your shortcode : Example: *[mfile upload-file-344 max-file:3]* - this option will limit the user to upload only 3 files. = How can I Add or Limit file types = You can add or change file types in cf7 Form-tag Generator Options by adding `jpeg|png|jpg|gif` in `Acceptable file types field`. Example : *[mfile upload-file-433 filetypes:jpeg|png|jpg|gif]* = How can I change text in Drag and Drop Uploading area? = You can change text `Drag & Drop Files Here or Browse Files` text in Wordpress Admin menu under `Contact` > `Drag & Drop Upload`. = How can I change email attachment as links? = Go to WP Admin `Contact -> Drag & Drop Upload` settings then check "Send Attachment as links?" option. To manage mail template, go to Contact Forms edit specific form and Select `Mail` tab. In Message Body add generated code from mfile. ( Example Below ) Message Body : [your-message] File Links 1 : [upload-file-754] File Links2 : [upload-file-755] Note : No need to add in `File Attachments` field. == Installation == To install this plugin see below: 1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/drag-and-drop-multiple-file-upload-contact-form-7.zip` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress 3. Go to "Contact > Drag & Drop Upload" for the settings. 4. See [Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvuvmzIImYo) == Screenshots == 1. Generate Upload Field - Admin 2. Form Field Settings - Admin 3. Uploader Settings - Admin 4. Email Attachment- Gmail 5. Email Attachment As links - Gmail 6. Multiple Drag and Drop Fields - Front == Changelog == = = - Fixes - Added alternative solution for nonce = = - Fixes - for Mime Type validation = = - Fixes - Security Fix (CSRF) - Added - Added security nonce on ajax request for upload and delete = = - Fixed - security issue ("Unauthenticated File upload Size limit bypass") thanks to Sanjay Das from "Payatu Security Consulting " - Added fixes so it should get the size limit on the cf7/admin settings instead of the post request. = = - Tested on latest version of wordpress 6.0. - Added Compatibility on Contact Form 7 version 5.6. = = - Fixed - Security issues (Cross-Site Scripting through SVG files via remote upload) - New - Filter `dnd_cf7_data_options` to manualy change the browse text and label text. = = - Added - Add settings link in the plugin page - Fixed - Long text/heading is hidden on the container - Fixed - Min file validation - Bug - Removed "accept" data attributes in mobile devices = = - Fixed - Unable to delete if errors will show - Added “span” & “div” on heading tag option - Add spam filtering fixes - Added “Disable Auto Delete” option. = = - Add accept types data attributes [See Here](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/the-user-sees-only-a-certain-type-of-files/) = = - Fixed German translation (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/german-translation-wrong/) - Fixes - Bug on file deletion (Reported here - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/deleting-files-not-yet-uploaded-is-breaking/) - Change delete icon instead of using an iconmoon. - Minor fixes & Improvement = = - Bug - Fixed validation issue when "CF7 Conditional Fields" plugin is active. = = - New - option to change upload heading tag from h1-h6 - Change text-domain to actual plugin slug for plugin internationalization. - Fixed validation error message for multiple groups. (compatible with CF7 - Conditional Fields) = = * Bug - Fixed Contact Form 7 error notice - PHP Deprecated: id property of a WPCF7_ContactForm object is no longer accessible. - Reported here - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-notice-id-not-accessible = = * Fixed - Vulnerability (Thanks to @Sysdream Labs team ) - Removed "supported type" in POST request so other users cannot override through remote access. - The issue was, user able to bypass and upload ".phar & .phpt" file extension by modifying "suported type" - Those extensions are enabled by default on a fresh PHP/Apache2 installation. * Improved - Security (file types condition are based on specified in the admin) = = * Added - Russian translation (Thanks to "Dan Uchvatoff ") * Fixed - File counter "of" not translatable. = = * Fixed - PHP Fatal error on server not supporting mb_check_encoding. * Fixed - Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function scan_form_tags() - When "Accept PayPal Payments using Contact Form 7" installed. = = * Added - Improved sercurity ( Limit the user input to a file name and ignore injected path names ) * Modified - Email links ( display only the filename ) = = * Bug - Quick Fix ( Unable to submit form when acceptance field is set ) - Issue if "additional settings" section added this line: acceptance_as_validation: on = 1.3.5 = * Fixed - nonce issues when using Cache plugins. * Fixed - German Translation for ( Drag & Drop File Upload ) text. * Fixed - Submit button ( enable/disable ) when acceptance checkbox is added. * Modified - File Upload error message ( display error code ) = 1.3.4 = * Fixed - Removed uploaded files when item Inbound Messages "Permanently Deleted". * Added - Counter of how many files are uploaded ( ie: 4 of 10 ) * New - Features allow to set Minimum File Upload. - ie : minimum upload:2, max upload:10 = [mfile* upload-file-669 min-file:2 max-file:10] * New - Added .htaccess file inside "wp_dndcf7_uploads" upload directory. ( prevent from direct access ) - Options: -Indexes \n \n deny from all \n * Fixed - File Attachments bug ( Issues on additional mail when (file attachment) is removed still send the file ) = = * Bugs - Fixed unable to submit form ( 500 Internal Server Error in response ) = = * Fixes - Minor updates (packed the wrong file) = = * Fixed - Security Issues ( Unrestricted File Upload to Remote Code Execution - Thanks to @Austin ) - Able bypass and upload file (remotely) by renaming to ie: shell.php% and modified supported_type to `jpg|png|php%` - Solution : Added more security, check/validate file type and created new function 'dnd_cf7_validate_type' to determine if file name extension is valid or not. * New - Make 'deleting...' and 'remove' text translatable ( compatible using WPML String Translation ). = = * Fixed - PHP warning reported [here](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/php-warning-count-parameter-must-be-an-array-2/) = = * Improved Security - ( Check valid filename & extensions, sanitations, Secured File deletions ) * New - Allowed non ASCII file name * Improved styling on Progress Bar * Fixed - Conflict with WooCommerce Geo Location = 1.3.3 = * SECURITY UPDATES ( issues reported by : Robert L Mathews ) - The issues inside `dnd_codedropz_upload_delete` function, that will execute any POST remotely. * Fixed - To accept russian, hebrew Filename * Modify Javascript `dnd-upload-cf7.js` attach the function to window so it can be available to call. * Added - Responsive style for `Drag & Drop` text on mobile devices. * Minimum Features - Coming Soon = 1.3.2 = * Fixed - Sanitized Admin Option Fields - For Security Reason * Added - Filter for `wpcf7_posted_data` from CF7 to get the full link of the file. = 1.3.1 = * Fixed - Browser Compatibility ( Error Uploading files in Edge, Safari and Internet Explorer ) * Improved - Removed error text if there are muliple error ( File upload validation ) = 1.3.0 = * Fixed - Multiple Drag & Drop fields in one form ( Validation Issues - Max File not working correctly ) * Added - Added "deleted..." status when removing file. - So that the user know that file deletion is in progress... * Fixed - Responsive issues on Mobile < 767px screen. * Added - Added '/wpcf7-files' directory inside '/wp_dndcf7_uploads' to temporary store files instead of relying contact form 7. * Added - Auto delete files inside '/wpcf7-files' dir 1 hour(3200 seconds) after submission. - It was a problem with contact form 7 before that files only last 60 seconds and it will automatically deleted. * Improved - Optimized and Improved Php Code & Javascript structure and functionalities. ( removed redundant code, removed spaces, etc ) * Added - Links going to Pro Version. = = * Fixed - Allow to upload file with the same filename. * Fixed - Can't upload image after deleting (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/cant-upload-image-after-deleting-it/) * Fixed - Max-file issue (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/max-file-issue/) * Added - a note message when file reached the max-file Limit ( "To inform user that some of the files are not uploaded" ). * Added - Better Ajax deletion ( Remove files from the server - Only if `Send As Attachment` is checked ) * Optimized - Form send loading time has been optimized ( Improved loading time for large attachment ) * Fixed - Bug reported by @palychwp " `remove file still send sends with the form` (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/file-uploading-is-working-incorrect/) * Added - Validate File/Attachment first before the upload start ("some says it's frustating :)") - (PHP or Server side validation still there for security and better validation) * Improved file counting via `LocalStorage` instead of Global variable. = = * Fixed - Please Update to to fixed disable button issue. = 1.2.5 = * Fixed - Improved ( Disable button while upload is on progress ) * Fixes - Validate file size limit before uploading the file ( https://wordpress.org/support/topic/file-uploading-is-working-incorrect/ ) = 1.2.4 = * Added - Support WPML using .po and .mo files * Added - Added to support multilingual ( using Poedit ) * Fixed - Prevent attachment from sending to Mail(2) if field attachment is not set. (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problem-with-2th-mail-attachment-2/) * Added - Disable 'submit' button while upload is on progress... = 1.2.3 = * Added - Multiple Drag and Drop fields in a form * Added - Options in admin for error message * Added - Option that allow user to send attachment as links * Added - Added new folder name `wp_dndcf7_uploads` to separate files from wpcf7_uploads ( When option 'Send Attachment as links?' is check ). = 1.2.2 = * Add - Create admin settings where you can manage or change text in your uploading area. It's under 'contacts' > 'Drag and Drop'. * New - Empty or Clear attachment file when Contact Form successfully send. * Fixes - Fixed remove item bugs when file is greater than file limit. * Fixes - Changed 'icon-moon' fonts to avoid conflict with the other themes. * New - Added text domain for language translations. = 1.2.2 = * Issue - fixed bug when file is not required(*). * Issue - fixed error on 'wpcf7_mail_components' components hooks when there's no file. = 1.2.1 = * Issue - fixed bug when file is not required(*). * Issue - fixed error on 'wpcf7_mail_components' components hooks when there's no file. = 1.2 = - Add admin option to limit the number of files. (Maximum File Upload Limit) = 1.1 = - This version fixes on user drop validation. - Optimized Javascript File = 1.0 = * Initial Release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.2.3 = This version fixed minor issues/bugs and add multiple drag and drop fields in a form. = 1.2.1 = This version fixed minor issues and bugs. = 1.2.2 = Added some useful features. = 1.2.4 = Added new features and fixes. == Donations == Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? [Donate](http://codedropz.com/donation)