Version 1.0.44 

* updated tested version in readme
* updated freemius sdk

Version 1.0.42 

* Update: updated freemius to the latest version
* Fix: fixed some small bugs

Version 1.0.41

-bug fix: fixed exporting data from kadence blocks in gutenberg
-feature: done some integration with wpbakery page builder images export

Version 1.0.40

-bug fix: fixed some optimization related issues with front button

Version 1.0.39

-feature: added integration with exporting / importing woo orders in pro version

Version 1.0.38

-feature: added choose action on existing post on import (overwrite, skip etc)

Version 1.0.37

-bug fix: fixed some spectra and gutenberg realted import integration with images
-feature: added post date to export / import
-change: post status copied from original post from now, was always publish

Version 1.0.36

-bug fix: fixed some export bug

Version 1.0.35

* feature: added comments to export/import post

Version 1.0.34

* feature: made integration with divi layouts - copy with images

Version 1.0.33

* Feature: added option to export images by image url in meta arrays
* Change: changed the paste operation timeout to 120 seconds (from 20)
* Feature: added option to export wp images from classic editor post content

Version 1.0.32

-bug fix: fixed brocken elementor page in some cases after move

Version 1.0.31

-feature: show admin bulk actions even if hidden if doubly present
-change:  upgraded freemius sdk verison
-bug fix:  fixed images export of nested meta gallery like fields
-bug fix:  fixed copy paste single snippet
-change: made the code snippets support free feature

Version 1.0.30

-bug fix: fixed unreachable elementor section copy in some cases
-feature: added ask for copy functionality
-feature: made integration with code snippets
-bug fix: has set more timeout for request get (20 sec).
-feature:  added rankmath integration

Version 1.0.29

-bug fix: improved elementor images export/import
-bug fix: show the complete error instead of "request failed" in case of 403 error - forbidden
-bug fix: fixed media upload

Version 1.0.28

-bug fix: fixed menu slug issue with freemius in pro version
-feature: added welcome screen

Version 1.0.27

-bug fix: fixed acf import with the fields
-bug fix: fixed zip file validation errors in some cases

Version 1.0.26

-change: changed exported zip file names

Version 1.0.25

-bug fix: fixed copy button not available in editor - single post edit
-bug fix: fixed image copy in some custom acf fields
-bug fix: fixed copied to clipboard text showed always "post" type
-bug fix: fixed front not permitted message on copy elementor section

Version 1.0.24

-feature: added front end copy/paste button in case that the site on or the admin bar is absent

Version 1.0.23

-bug fix: fixed some php get_current_user bug

Version 1.0.22

-bug fix: added message when both versions installed - free and pro

Version 1.0.21

-bug fix: fixed bulk actions in media
-change: corrected imported post names message
-bug fix: fixed multiple file names zip

Version 1.0.20

-feature: added front copy button (to pro version)

Version 1.0.19

-bug fix: allow to copy sections from footer
-bug fix: fixed gutenberg corrupted layout in some cases

Version 1.0.18 - 

-bug fix: fixed copy section button not pressed

Version 1.0.17 

-bug fix: done some more remarks - curl request

Version 1.0.16 

-bug fix: done some more remarks

Version 1.0.15 

-bug fix: fixed remarks

Version 1.0.14 - 20/05/2022

-feature: doubly now works with elementor containers

Version 1.0.13 - 10/05/2022

-bug fix: fixed some rtl related bugs

Version 1.0.12 - 7/2/2022

-bug fix: fixed insert term with slug: "0"

Version 1.0.11 - 31/1/2022

-bug fix: fixed move products with variations

Version 1.0.10 - 26/1/2022

-fixed some woo attribute unicode related bug

Version 1.0.9 - 25/1/2022

-bug fix: fixed woocommerce gallery images import
-bug fix: added woocommerce attributes import/export

Version 1.0 - 19/1/2022

- Firt Release!!!