# Core Rollback Contributors: afragen Donate link: https://thefragens.com/github-updater-donate Tags: core, rollback, downgrade, upgrade License: MIT Requires PHP: 5.6 Requires at least: 4.1 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 1.3.5 Seamless rollback of WordPress Core to latest release or any outdated, secure release using the Core Update API and core update methods. Only latest release and outdated, secure releases are offered. Refer to https://api.wordpress.org/core/stable-check/1.0/ Logo from a meme generator. [Original artwork](http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html) by Allie Brosh. ## Usage From the Tools menu select `Rollback Core`, select the version you wish to rollback to from the dropdown and click `Rollback`. You will be directed to the `update-core.php` page where you should see a button to `Re-install` your specified version. If you move away from the `update-core.php` page before clicking the `Re-install` button you will have 15 seconds to return and complete the process or you will need to start over. In multisite use the Settings menu. **WARNING:** Downgrading WordPress Core may leave your site in an unusable state requiring a complete reinstall or a forced reinstall using WP-CLI, `wp core update --force --version=5.5.3`. It may also leave your site broken due to a plugin or theme incompatibility. **Use at your own risk.** Rollbacks use your current locale. PRs are welcome. ## Screenshots 1. Tools menu item 2. Rollback Core action dropdown 3. Re-install Now button for rollback ## Changelog #### 1.3.5 / 2023-07-12 * update rollback choices for PHP version #### 1.3.4 / 2023-02-07 * composer update #### 1.3.3 / 2023-02-05 * update for PHP 8.1 #### 1.3.2 / 2022-05-10 * use `wp_is_block_theme()` for check #### 1.3.1 / 2022-02-08 * use `sanitize_key()` for nonces #### 1.3.0 / 2022-01-28 * filter WP versions with significant deprecation notices/errors for newer PHP versions * add notice about limiting of rollback options for PHP versions #### 1.2.4 / 2022-01-14 * proper nonce verification of settings page * remove unneededd `version_compare` check for notice #### 1.2.3 / 2022-01-11 * I suck and so do typos #### 1.2.2 / 2022-01-11 * need to use `method_exists` in check to properly function #### 1.2.1 / 2022-01-11 * add `function_exists( 'is_block_theme' )` check to avoid fatal #### 1.2.0 / 2022-01-10 * add method to return array of block capable WP versions for rollback #### 1.1.2 / 2022-01-10 * add notice if currently using block theme, thanks @costdev #### 1.1.1 / 2021-10-14 * use `sanitize_title_with_dashes()` as `sanitize_file_name()` maybe have attached filter that changes output #### 1.1.0 / 2021-07-07 * add @10up GitHub Actions for WordPress SVN #### 1.0.1 / 2020-12-4 * fix text-domain in string, thanks Alex #### 1.0.0 / 2020-11-17 * initial release to dot org repository * add `Class Bootstrap` to intiate process * updated instructions, etc * add assets, screenshots, banners, icon * add `readme.txt` and clean up `create_admin_page()` * add warning notice to settings * add `force-check` query arg to redirect to more consistently display the `Re-install Now` button. * limit rollbacks to WP > 4.0, I found some non-recoverable issue in my local testing * initial release